Over the past two decades, all of the members of our group have taught undergraduate and graduate-level courses in public health and community development. We have produced research that has contributed to greater awareness of fundamental sociocultural and environmental health problems, and directly influenced policymaking.
The following is a partial listing of training programs conducted by Dr. Mock on dynamic planning and action-oriented research methods.
1998 Co-trainer, “Workshop on Planning and Computer Projection Models for Human Resources in Health,” WHO South East Asia Regional Office (Sri Lanka).
1999 Presenter, “Workshop on the Insight Group Interview Method for Smoking Research,” Osaka Prefecture Cancer Prevention and Detection Center (Japan).
2000 Resource person and Co-facilitator, “Research for Advocacy, and Information Technology and Tobacco Control,” Southeast Asian Tobacco Control Alliance (Thailand).
2000 Consultant to the Secretary, Thailand Health Promotion Fund, advising on planning process for creating the philosophy, vision, and strategic plan for the new health promotion fund (Thailand).
2000 Research advisor, Adventist Development and Relief Association, conducting an impact assessment of school-based health promotion program and coordinating participatory action research for smoking prevention programs for women and girls (Laos PDR).
2000 Trainer, “Workshop on Participatory Action Research Methods for Health Promotion Projects,” National Center for Health Promotion (Cambodia).
2000 Research methods trainer, Osaka Prefecture Cancer Prevention and Detection Center, trained public health nurses, physicians, and nutritionists to conduct insight group interviews for building a people-centered agenda for Healthy Osaka 2010 (Japan).
2000 Research advisor, National Center for Health Promotion, advised on sampling methodology for a quantitative and qualitative study of Phnom Penh school teachers’ knowledge and understanding of tobacco marketing (Cambodia).
2001-05 Organizer and instructor, UCSF Blue Thumb Health Social Science Short Course. Annual training course for Thai faculty from nursing and public health colleges in the application of health social science field methods and analysis (California).
2002-05 Organizer and instructor, Blue Thumb Short Course on Program Evaluation Research. Annual trainings for administrators and staff at the National Centre for Health Promotion on qualitative research and evaluation research (Cambodia).
2002-03 Advisor, Asian Pacific Tobacco-Free Coalition of Minnesota DREGAN Project (Diverse Ethnic Racial Groups and Nations) Asian Tobacco Forum for Reducing Tobacco Use in Asian Communities (Minnesota).
2005 Workshop leader, “Health Anthropology Approach, Methods and Nursing Practice,” Boromarajachonani Nursing College, Lampang (Thailand).
2005 Workshop leader, “Health Anthropology Approach, Methods and Nursing Practice,” Boromarajachonani Nursing College, Ratchaburi (Thailand).
2005 Workshop leader, “Health Anthropology Approach, Methods and Nursing Practice,” Boromarajachonani Nursing College, Songkla (Thailand).
2005 Workshop leader, “Health Anthropology Approach, Methods and Nursing Practice,” Boromarajachonani Nursing College, Trang (Thailand).
2005 Workshop leader, “Health Anthropology Approach, Methods and Nursing Practice,” Boromarajachonani Nursing College, Bangkok (Thailand).
2008 Organizer and instructor, UCSF Blue Thumb Health E-Learning Short Course. Training course for Thai faculty from nursing and public health colleges in the application of e-learning (Moodle) and dialogue-based teaching methods (California).
2008 Workshop leader, “Community-based Participatory Research and Action Research in Asian Communities,” Center for the Study of Communication-Design, Osaka University (Japan).
2009 Workshop leader, “The Insight Playshop,” East Shikoku JALT (Japan).
2010 Course leader, “Faculty Development Academic Skills Seminar,” (fifteen 1.5-hr sessions) Faculty of Nursing, Kochi Women’s University (Japan).
2012 Workshop leader, “Presentation Techniques,” (two 1.5-hr sessions), Problem Resolution for Development Issues by Information-Communication Technology “Tankyu for Africa” Course, JICA Kobe (Japan).
2012 Workshop leader, “Participatory Project Proposal Design,” (four 1.5-hr sessions), Problem Resolution for Development Issues by Information-Communication Technology “Tankyu for Africa” Course, JICA Kobe (Japan).